It wasn't even a good book. Kind of simple and poorly written, actually. It was the writing on the bookmark that caught Rat's eye.
This had been a lousy week for Rat Turley, one of a lifetime of lousy weeks. Monday had been that nasty hangover, because his girlfriend moved out on Sunday, because he'd slapped her on Saturday. Tuesday and Wednesday had been past due notices in the mail. Thursday had not been his day, and Friday wasn't looking too good, either.
The book, with the bookmark that caught Rat's eye, belonged to the new guy at the plant, something the guy had his nose in at lunch time. Rat didn't know who the guy was.
"For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God," it said. What kind of a bookmark was that? Yet it somehow spoke to Rat, spoke loud. Yeah, he fell short. He was always falling short. He was the poster child for the Fall Short Society.
Rat pulled the bookmark out of the book, and found that the bottom said, "If we will confess our sins, he who is faithful and true will forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
The guy came back, and Rat Turley just had to ask what all that stuff meant. And he was told.
And, to make a long story short, well, that's when the angels rejoiced.