Whose Idea Was This?
June 16, 2022
It was one of those nights.
I woke up a little after four this morning. Usually that means I’ve had too much coffee the day before, or drank it too late. I thought back through yesterday. No, that was not the case. It could only mean that God had something to say to me, or maybe had someone for me to pray for. Instead, almost immediately ideas starting pouring into my mind for my next book. Thanks, God!
Let me go back a step. In Genesis 1:1 it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Also, in Hebrews 13:8 we’re told that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If you think about it, that means that God is still creative. That means that if I want new ideas for stories or books or how to make a better life, I can look to the author of creation, God. I gladly testify—-it works!
Three years ago my best friends celebrated my “first” retirement with pizza and a leather-bound blank manual, over two hundred pages. The gift was for me to write book ideas in, and it has been priceless! I have spaced the ideas twenty pages apart to give me room to elaborate. The book is nearly full, with some book ideas already written and some still waiting in line. (At one point I bunched sixteen ideas together, and that is the book I’m in the midst of writing now, a collection of Christmas stories.)
God is faithful to open doors for us. When there seems to be only darkness or empty space ahead, God is still able to make new things and new ways. There is no such thing as a dead end, if God is your father.