White Noise
May 29, 2023
I woke up at 3 a.m. For some reason, I was wide awake. Five hours is not the recommended amount of sleep for an adult, so I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.
I took slow, deep breaths. Breathe in for three counts, breathe out for three counts, repeat. It always works.
It wasn’t working. It must have been that gas-station coffee in the middle of the afternoon.
Then a song I heard on the radio started playing in my mind, stuck on a repeating loop. It was a good Christian song, but it was really not helping me at the moment.
I’ve heard that some people play “white noise” to help them fall asleep. White noise refers to sounds played at a low volume, such as the sound of ocean waves or a gentle rain, that cover or ‘mask’ other sounds that may intrude and keep a person from getting to sleep.
Maybe the use of white noise is similar to when I’m trying to find rest in God and can’t seem to find that peace I long for. The troubles and concerns of everyday life keep my mind from settling. That’s when I just have to repeat to myself the name of Jesus, over and over. “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.” Over and over. Eventually I’m able to reach that point of sweet rest in him. It’s not actually the words, but the relationship it brings to mind. It’s really a short prayer.
So on this night I tried saying my savior’s name over and over, as a way to get back to sleep, as a prayer for help. I guess it worked. Good morning!
“Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14