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What's On Your Plate?

We have all heard that we are greater than we once were. That is, the people of our country are larger than they have ever been before. We are taking in more food than we use, and we are eating the wrong kinds of foods. Any extra intake we don't use is stored on our bodies as FAT.

In the same way, we are taking in the wrong kind of mental and spiritual food. How are we getting any nutrition from what we see on TV and in the movies, when we constantly make wrong 'food' choices? The murder and crime and secular vocal contests don't do much to energize our purpose in life, to serve God and bring people into His kingdom. The non-useful stuff is just FAT, getting in the way of the really good stuff.

What are you reading? I don't have to name authors and books, for you to recognize that most best-sellers don't enhance your spiritual life. Get some real food! Let me suggest a few authors: Frank Peretti (especially his earliest books), Ted Dekker, Randy Singer, Brock and Bodie Thoene, Richard L. Mabry M.D., James L. Rubart, Lorena McCourtney, Terri Blackstock (not her early work). These fiction writers craft a great story, plus feed your soul.

Don't let me get started on music! Let it be enough to say, most people only make Christian music a minor part of their song library.

People leave churches every year because they are not being spiritually nourished. It puts a tremendous load on the pastor, Sunday School teacher, etc. to nourish folks enough in one day to counteract all the poor choices made on the other six!



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