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What can You Do?

September 3, 2022

I don’t always write Christian novels. I have written seven novels, but Chips of Granite, published in 2018, was a collection of blog posts. My next book, coming out this fall, is a collection of 15 Christmas short stories. Folks have many facets to their personalities. We have complimentary or sometimes non-related abilities. We don’t always have to be the same.

Sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zones. We have certain things we know we do well, and we have other endeavors we continually fail at. There are other times when we need to try things we haven’t even considered.

In chapter six of Mark, Jesus sends his twelve disciples out in pairs to heal the sick and preach about God’s kingdom. They’d never done this before! We’re not told how they reacted. Did their eyes get big? Did they sputter, “But, but, but..” or maybe swallow a big lump in their throats?

But they went. And, after a few days when they gathered back together, they jubilantly told Jesus their success stories.

I’ll bet there are some surprising things God’s people could do. I don’t know, maybe we could turn this world upside-down. (Right-side up?)

I hate it when I put people ‘in a box,’ deciding in my own mind that I can’t expect anyone to be other than they’ve always been. In the same way, I chide myself for sometimes thinking God can’t do anything I haven’t seen him do before.

Think outside the box. Live outside the box. You shouldn’t have made that box in the first place!

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37


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