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Weather Break

August 1, 2022

What a beautiful day! I have needed this SO much. Thank you, God.

The rain is pouring down, and I love it.

Day after day I’ve been working in the yard. Would it never end? Briars and little trees pop up in the flower beds. Paint peels off the porch columns. There is more patio furniture that needs repainting. Little sticks and branches litter the lawn on every side. As long as the sun shines day after day, the work continues.

It has finally rained. It’s not a little sprinkle causing a temporary work stoppage. This is a long, drenching rain. I may just read a book, maybe even one of those long James Michener books.

Maybe I should rest more, maybe ignore the yard work on some of the sunny days. Maybe I need a better rhythm of life.

On rainy days, I have time to sit and make a list of what I could be doing. Thank God for the downpour! A list can be dangerous, though, as jobs come to mind that can be done inside. Three favorite family chairs need reupholstering. What about those two dining chairs that need the cane seats replaced? The barn attic is in desperate need of sorting. Don’t get me thinking about desk drawers or the house attic.

When am I going to start on those bookshelves?

It is so difficult to settle. I don’t think it’s humanly possible for people like me. I need it, but I can’t seem to get there.

Wait! I remember now where I can get some help. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” That’s where I should always think to turn when I face the impossible. God has proven himself to be able when I am not.


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