Warm Christmas Spirit
December 17, 2022
Did you see it in the weather forecast? It’s going to be ridiculously cold for Christmas this year. It should be in the middle 20’s on Christmas Day. That’s cold for Georgia. Maybe that wouldn’t be cold where you live.
I can remember a cold snap in Georgia eight or ten years ago. The forecast was sixteen degrees. At that time we had a mixed-breed dog, Alfie, that looked a bit like a husky. We put extra hay in his dog house that night, and packed more around the outside for added insulation. He seemed to appreciate it.
The next night it again got cold, but only down to eighteen degrees. Know what? Alfie slept outside that night, since it wasn’t really cold to him.
Cold weather is relative, I guess. I grew up in New York State, where we’d always have a few days below zero. We still went outside to play.
I guess chronic pain is similar. Some people live with no pain, while others always have sore knees or a little back pain. Those that live with a constant low level of pain consider it a good day if no other pain is added on.
It works the opposite way too. Anyone that has an abundance of blessings can become irritated by the smallest inconvenience. We get used to a certain level of comfort or pain, and are only concerned about change in it.
I guess the bottom line is, all this is temporary. The old saying is, “You can’t take t with you.” The only thing that will last is our relationship with God.
“Seek first the kingdom of God Addis righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:32.