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Unusual Recipe

October 10, 2022

What a hodge-podge combination I am.

I’ve got some of Uncle Ray in me. He and my great-aunt Angie were satisfied to live in an old unpainted house with no indoor bathroom their entire married lives. Don’t get me wrong, I want a modern bathroom. What I’m saying is, I’ve learned to be satisfied.

Some of Grandma Luella’s love for cooking has rubbed off on me. I love to make homemade bread, pies, and most everything else.

My mom passed on her tender heart to me. How many authors can read their own writing for the tenth time and still have tears drop on the page?

I’ve certainly got Dad’s work ethic. He worked six and a half days a week for many years. I find that I’ve always got to have a project, and even though I’m retired I’ve got to be writing or repairing something or doing yard work or, well, you understand.

My wife taught me to be orderly. She’s taken a slob (I think I’m exaggerating) and made me obsessive-compulsive (I hope I’m exaggerating). It takes a long time to train a husband.

It’s not just relatives who have molded me into who I am. Friends, teachers, political leaders, and more have helped make me who I am.

I think God let this happen. In fact, it was God’s unseen hand that orchestrated all this. We are all different. Not only does it allow us to reach more strange and wonderful people for Christ, it also makes life more fun! I like strange and wonderful people!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled himself to us and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” II Corinthians 5:17-18.


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