Unfair Advantage
February 13, 2023
Lately I have enjoyed watching a different sport. I’ve been watching miniature golf, otherwise known as putt-putt.
A young man, Brooks, and his girlfriend, Elisha, go all over the country competing against each other on miniature golf courses of a wide variety. Sometimes his mother and father also compete. For those who play putt-putt, it’s a chance to see courses that they might visit themselves one day. I’m sure the course owners let them play at no cost, to advertise their venue.
Of course, it’s not like watching a baseball game or a car race or football. For one thing, the videos last only a few minutes. For another, this sport does not have highly-paid famous athletes. Anyone can play miniature golf. There are lessons to be learned about strategy and handling a miriad of unexpected circumstances. There are certainly parallels to playing ‘regular’ golf.
There’s a spiritual side to this.
As I watch, I’ve become acutely aware of the difference between myself and these players, Brooks and Elisha. They hit the ball straight, especially Brooks. That’s why I can’t play the game as well. I might have the same ideas of how to make a certain shot, but when I play I often miss by just a little. That runs my score up and makes me a whole lot less successful!
The uncomfortable lesson for me is that it’s much like my and your spiritual walk. If we stay on the narrow path, following closely to God’s precepts and ideals, life is so much more satisfying. A little deviation can bring us a lot less satisfaction and happiness. It doesn’t take much to miss a blessing.
Matthew 7:14, “Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”