Underdone or Overdone?
December 5, 2022
When do you get Christmas done?
There is so much to do during the Christmas season. There is shopping for gifts, baking special holiday foods, wrapping gifts, putting up the Christmas tree, decorating the house and yard. Some of us still send Christmas cards, even with a letter updating friends far and wide on our last year’s activities.
So much to do, and if we can get it done early, we can relax and enjoy Christmas. We fail most years, so we cut out a few things. Maybe we send just a handful of Christmas cards, or maybe none at all. Wrapping gifts is shortened to putting a little tissue with the gift in a gift bag. Forget the baking, there are oodles of Christmas goodies in the grocery store or bakery. The yard doesn’t really need any special holiday effects, does it?
If we start early on Christmas, we can get more done. We can begin shopping for gifts in October or early November. We can put up our tree a week or two before Thanksgiving. We can wrap presents immediately after we buy them.
It’s a sickness, you know.
Christmas isn’t something to check off a list. It’s a time of year to live into. There is no particular amount of activities that must be accomplished. You do what you can, and whatever amount that is, you offer that as a gift of worship to God.
This is a time to recognize the great gift God gave us. He sent us a Savior, one who could get us right with God, one that could give us a new, better start. God gave us himself. This is a season to worship God, not focus on ourselves and all we can accomplish. God made a way out of this self-centered sickness that has always been our downfall.
You’ll never get enough done on your own. What God did, that we celebrate at Christmas, was enough.
O worship the King.