Turnover Time
December 26, 2022
I guess you’ve figured out that, if you’re going to start working on your New Years resolutions on January 1, this is the week you’ve got to determine what to resolve. Any serious change can’t be an instant decision. We’ve got a week to decide how we will line up our lives with how God would have us live. There’s no need to hurry.
Self-centered resolutions are an uphill battle. You’ll be trying to make headway by your own will alone. Do you want to lose weight? Then do it for more than just yourself. “God would that all the world be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.” (I Timothy 2:4). If your health is better, you’ll be able to share your story with others better, and longer.
If you resolve to make more money, is it so you’ll have more to spend on things for you? You can’t expect much help from God on that. More income should mean you can give more into God’s kingdom, at least a tithe.
If you want to read more, make it something that will feed your spiritual side. The common best sellers center on murder, violence, and questionable morality. There are lots of great Christian novels around. Read those books.
If you resolve to read through the Bible next year, God would love that…if you let what you read change you. Reading through the Bible just to say you’ve done it doesn’t usually work out.
If you really want to be better a year from now, resolve to grow closer to God. Take time to consider what that would look like. If you have the courage, pray for what God needs you to change first. Maybe God has already nudged you about something that needs improvement!
Philippians 3:12, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.