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The Intruder

May 10, 2023

An intruder slipped in. I thought I was paying close attention.

I have been starting a few camellias from cuttings we made last fall. The process takes a big helping of patience. I watered the five six-inch pots faithfully, approximately every other day, and gave them a daily misting. A few weeks ago I was finally satisfied there was enough growth to justify transfer to ten-inch pots. I must say, that was a gratifying moment!

We have three camellias of one variety and two of another. The group of three (more in season for them) had a growth spurt immediately. That was also gratifying! One, however, decided to put all its energy in vertical growth. I just had to show my wife!

Joy examined the special plant carefully. “There are actually two plants in this pot, growing together. One doesn’t belong.” I looked closely at the taller part, and she was right. I separated the two parts and pulled out the one with the wrong type leaves. What!? Looks like a squirrel came up on our porch and planted a pecan in with this camellia!

Thinking back, I remembered one day last month seeing the soil disturbed in one of the pots. At the time I just thought a bug had done some minor digging and left. That must have been when the squirrel did his mischief.

That is so like evil that sneaks into our lives. It goes unnoticed for a while, growing alongside the good things in our lives, but it is planting roots. It has to come out as early as possible, or it will take over! Some habits or activities can seem harmless, but can steal time and energy from the spiritual life you really need to be growing.

I Corinthians 10:12, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.”


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