Talk that Works
January 21, 2023
I don’t understand prayer. On the other hand, I believe in prayer!
Prayer is communication with God. Incredible! The creator and sustainer of all that is hears us, and answers us!
We are told “ask and it will be given you,, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). God hears our prayers, and answers in the best way. The best way, however, is not always the answer we wanted. At times, a loved one dies—-how can that be good? Perhaps God was saving them from a struggle ahead of them, and instead they are in an incredible place called Heaven. Or maybe it was time for someone else in the family to step up and take responsibility.
God relates to us in a balance between justice and mercy. At times we are rescued from our own foolishness, and at other times it seems God deems it best we suffer consequences. God has perspective we don’t have or understand. I like being reminded regularly that God is far wiser than I am.
But prayer is not futile. Prayer works! Persistent, heartfelt prayer has brought incredible miracles from God. Prayer cannot be like a kid in a candy store, that wants the item in front of him until he sees something else. Are we serious about what we’re praying for?
Oh, the wonders of a prayer chain! One person shares a concern with a friend, and that person shares it with others, who also share it. God often answers the request. Is it the number of people asking that makes a difference? Is it that someone in the chain was especially sincere and persistent? I don’t know. Miracles happen.
I will never completely understand prayer. God knows best, and God loves us. He’s too great to just do my bidding. Thank you, God.