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Stick With the Plan

April 24, 2023

What’s next? I wonder what my main focus will be, a decade or two down the road? It seems God is always preparing me for something.

I worked in my grandmother’s diner when I was in high school. I was glad I had that skill several years later, when I needed a job after college, before I got a job more attuned to my college degree. God prepared me for those months as a cook in a Denny’s Restaurant, though I didn’t see that when I was working at the Country Kitchen.

My senior year in high school, and during the summer in my college years, I worked in a grocery store. Lo and behold, that background served me well when I married a grocer’s daughter and worked in her father’s grocery store for fourteen years.

In my thirties, I wrote many newspaper columns. In my forties, I wrote a few newspaper columns, lots of sermons, and church monthly newsletter articles. I didn’t see that God was preparing me for a couple of night classes in creative writing at Brenton-Parker College in my mid-fifties. It gave me background for becoming a writer. I’ve now written ten books.

So what’s next? What is God doing in my life now that is preparation for something to come? You can likely look back at your own life and see similar patterns of God getting you ready for things you did not see coming up. With intricate care and love, God puts us in the right place at the right time, doing what we need to be doing, always preparing us for something more.

“Being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” Philippians 1:6


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