Life is full of shortcuts. Why do more work than you have to?
The shorter you can make a job, the more time left for other jobs. The easier you make your work, the less stress. The more you accomplish, the more other people are freed up to do more.
All this is true, yet it doesn't tell the whole story. Time is not an enemy that must always be subdued. Time has its friendly side! Some of the best things in life just take time.
Friendship with God takes time! There really are no shortcuts. Each minute you spend with God in prayer, you grow spiritually. Each hour in worship builds a foundation; your circumstances change, so what you experience in worship today might not hit you like it would have yesterday. And so get the idea.
Time spent witnessing, helping the needy, reading your Bible, praying, and in worship is priceless. You're investing in the abundant life Jesus promised. Don't take shortcuts!