Satisfaction guaranteed? Sure, buddy. There doesn't seem to be such a thing anymore. Satisfaction is a commodity we don't seem to understand.
On the other hand, we understand quite well what it means to have 'more' or want more or do more. More is a driving force in our society.
I think we have disassociated the words more and excess. You and I know that excess is bad. It can kill you. Too much of anything can lead to physical or financial or emotional or spiritual ruin. Although we know that excess is to be avoided like the plague, somehow we've forgotten that excess is a result of our drive for more.
Yet we continue to strive for more. The only way to stop before we reach the point where more turns to excess is to recognize satisfaction. Intuitively, or maybe because of the Holy Spirit in us, we know that God gives us ways to know when we've reached satisfaction. "Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 Man, wouldn't that be nice, to reach a point of rest? To have "the peace that passes understanding?" Philippians 4:7
If we're honest, we can probably tell when our wants exceed our needs. And then we need to decide what we'll do with the excess, when we accumulate more than we need. Do you have a plan? What will you do with sudden unexpected income? Time? Joy? Without a plan, you'll keep it, and excess kills.
Of course, our greatest gift is eternal life, more good news than we deserve. Have you a plan to share the Good News?