Peace on My Earth
December 24, 2022
In the midst of it all, I’d like to find a day of peace.
I do my best not to treat holiday activities like items on a ‘to do’ list. Things like gift wrapping and getting out the Christmas china are fun parts of the celebration, but when everyday life is waiting to be dealt with I may concentrate on just getting them done.
In the midst of it all, I’d like to find a day of peace.
We add special church services during this season before Christmas. I want to support and attend all of them. After all, that’s the reason for the season, the celebration of Jesus’ birth. I claim I can’t get enough but, honestly, I feel worn at times.
I need a day of peace,
We have friends near and far. Our close kin are scattered, too. I write a Christmas letter each year to go in dozens of Christmas cards. I want to stay in touch and keep the heart strings tied. I set a deadline to have the cards mailed by the second Monday of December, so sometimes I’m pushed to get it done.
I’d like to find a day of peace during the holiday season.
In all the coming and going and doing, I must find a day of peace. My heart needs to seek the heart of God. I want time to just sit quietly with God and deeply appreciate what’s been done at Christmas. God kept his promise to send us help. We no longer have to live a life that slowly deteriorates, we can be renewed every day into something eternal.
There will be a moment, now or later, of peace. In the quiet, my heart sings, “Thank you.”