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Omelet You Do That

September 7, 2022

I have the high privilege of making omelets for our breakfast once a week. Not only that, I can choose what type of omelet.

I worked in my grandmother's restaurant for several years, and I spent part of a year cooking breakfasts in a diner in my early twenties. I'm no novice at early morning cookery. Omelets are fun.

My wife is one of a kind. (I think you knew that!) No matter what ingredients I include in this wonderful egg concoction, she'll eat it and tell me it's marvelous. For years it was the same omelet...bell peppers and onions and cheese, always received with a smile. For the past few months, though, I've added grated carrots one week, another week just chopped Vidalia onions, another time grated yellow squash. I've used mashed or grated sweet potato. I've varied the spices, whereas it used to be just salt and pepper.

Oh, this week was the best! I sauteed some grated zucchini and seasoned the omelet with ranch seasoning, When Joy wasn't looking, I threw in a couple dozen little seedling pecans. Imagine that, nuts in an omelet! Well, it worked. What a tasty breakfast! My wife's encouragement has come to fruition.

Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works." No, this is not only about cooking. It makes a dandy sermon illustration.


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