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Old Thinking

November 14, 2022

You can blame it on my getting old. Is that why I’m out of touch? Or are our morals really declining?

I catch myself thinking, “In my day…” or “When I was young…”. There are things we would never dream of doing, back in the 1960’s and 1970’s, that are common practice today. I can’t see that it’s an improvement.

For instance, credit card use has caused a huge increase in the average debt level of U.S. adults. Debt used to be one of the biggest factors leading to depression or even suicide. Now debt doesn’t bother most people.

Clothing that outlined every contour of a woman’s body used to be shameful, as was any view of a man’s boxer shorts.

Language referring to any kind of sexual act was never used. Now it seems to be common in many songs and even everyday language. Television and movies that…

You get the idea. The standards of decency have eroded over the last several decades. I don’t like it. Yes, I’m getting older. I can’t keep up, and I don’t want to. I am very satisfied with the standards I live by.

I recommend a very Biblical lifestyle, I’ve found it to be the best, by far. I just can’t push it on anyone else. We’ve all got to make our own mistakes. I’ve made my own, and will continue to make them.

As you read the Bible’s Old Testament, you’ll see cycles of a constant decline in moral standards, and the devastating results. It’s heartbreaking. All cultures seem to go through the same thing, including our own. Humanity seems unable to stop it.

But we can stop it on an individual level. I John 1:9, “If we confess our sin, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”


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