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New Direction

June 26, 2023

I’ve learned a lot, over thirty-one years of ministry. I’m comfortable as a pastor. Of course, right now I’m not a pastor. I don’t serve a church. I’m retired.

I’ve substituted several times this year, and felt comfortable being behind the pulpit again. I pray, I do announcements, I lead responsive readings, I preach. Not a problem.

Those of you who knew me in elementary school and high school remember me being very shy. I actually continued that way until age thirty-nine, when I went into the ministry. The best way to explain it is that God changed me.

With all the ministry skills I’ve acquired, the lesson I’m learning now is how to not lead. It’s not easy! I’m learning how to be a good church member again and how to follow. It’s not always comfortable, but when I gave God control of my life I was determined to follow wherever he led. I’m not wavering from that. Sometimes you have to let somebody else serve. Your job may be to introduce, to open the door, to serve on a committee.

And your job can change over time. I was a cook, then an engineer, then a salesman and a grocer, before becoming a minister. Now I’m a novelist.

“And we know all things work together for good, for those who are called according to God’s purpose,” Romans 8:28.

I’m just thrilled to be part of God’s plan. Maybe, long after I’m gone, someone will find one of my novels in a used book store and realize they need to give their life to God. I’d love that.


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