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My Own Rules

June 24, 2023

I don’t understand why we can’t play by the same rules. Then again, my rules are inconsistent.

For instance, I am proud of anyone who will pop out of bed early in the morning and get right to work. I don’t think my neighbors should cut their grass before six in the morning. That’s a contradiction! Also, it’s great when somebody will keep working until the job’s done, and get plenty of rest, but don’t get up late the next day.

I don’t mind going to the post office in comfortable old clothes, since I don’t want to have to change just to mail a letter. Yet I complain that some folks don’t care what they look like when they go to town.

I’m not a very good rule maker. I’m certainly not a good follower of my rules or your rules. We just don’t have the perspective, or we don’t understand the consequences of the rules we set.

Now, God can set some great rules. They’ve been around for centuries upon centuries. Even though they are good, people cannot manage to follow God’s rules. We’ve proven it over and over. No matter how hard we try to do right, we’re inconsistent at best.

Is there no hope?

Every time we sin (break God’s rules meant for living our best life) we mess up God’s perfect plan. He could wipe us all out and start over! Instead, he sent Jesus to pay the consequences for all our sins. He died a brutal death as payment for my sins, and now I am seen by God as righteous in his eyes, if I’ll accept that payment. What a deal!

I don’t understand why God made that deal, but I’d be a fool to pass it up.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16


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