Moving the Furniture
I guess I've always been the kind of person who likes to rearrange the furniture. I like to move chairs and bookcases and things, to give myself a fresh look at what I've got around me. I mean, I can stand things where they are for a while, maybe years, but then I've got to finally break out and move the furniture.
My brother was not necessarily like that, and as long as we shared a bedroom, things stayed pretty much the same. I remember we unstacked the bunk beds for awhile, but I don't remember much furniture moving besides that. When my brother joined the Air Force, you can believe stuff found itself in new places pretty quick.
Am I like that in my Christian life? Well, maybe a little. Mostly though, I kind of like to get into a groove, and stay there. I want a regular routine, regular devotional practices, same kind of words, etc.
It's funny, though. God is the same today, yesterday and forever, right? Somehow, though, He's always pulling the rug out from under me, showing me new things, taking me new places, taking me out of my rut, and generally turning the world upside down.
God's always rearranging the furniture. And He'll keep on doing it until, well, until we've been made in the image of His dear Son.
That's kind of neat.