Miraculous Miracles
March 8, 2023
A basic definition of a miracle is something good that happens that cannot be explained. That can be very frustrating to people. We are determined to understand everything that we possibly can. After all, God gave us a mind, so we ought to use it.
In John 9, Jesus brings sight to a man that was born blind. I’d like to know what happened! Was the optic nerve not connected? Was the area of his brain that governed sight not functioning as it should? Did he have thick cataracts from birth?
Whatever the cause, Jesus brought sight to the man by an unheard of method: He spit in the dirt to make a small amount of mud, then rubbed it on the man’s eyes. After washing it off, the man could see.
That could not work. It doesn’t even make sense.
Soon the neighbors take the now-seeing fellow to the religious authorities, who ask what medicine was used for this miraculous cure. He explains, and the story is not believed. It’s clearly a miracle.
Miracles are beyond us. God does things we can’t explain, no matter how hard we try. To tell you the truth, I’m glad. I really, really want to know that God is greater than the smartest human.
I want solutions to my problems that seem hopeless. I want a way forward where there is no way. I want a God who loves me when I am totally unlovable. I want mercy and forgiveness when I do not deserve it.
God promises us everlasting life if we take a simple step of faith: Believe that Jesus died on the cross as full payment for your sin and turn to follow him. Why does that work? It’s a miracle. It’s God’s plan. We don’t have to understand it for the promise to be true, any more than the blind man had to understand why mud on his eyes brought sight.