Looking Back/Forward
December 31, 2022
The year 2022 is drawing to a close. I always prefer to look forward—-what’s past is past—- but only a foolish man does not learn from his past.
We saw the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Did it mean the end of abortion? No. Pills are being imported and even being made in the U.S. that a woman can take, after learning of an unwanted pregnancy, that will cause the fetus to abort. Evidently the root problem was not addressed.
We saw the continuance of the pandemic. Some were sure that it could be controlled by vaccinations and boosters. It certainly helped, but totally-vaccinated people were still catching Covid. Living a healthy lifestyle seemed to give the best results, but few really try that for their entire life.
I retired from being a pastor, for the second time, in June. That’s what I was sure God was telling me to do. I still write Christian novels, and for some reason they’ve suddenly started selling better. There’s a connection to my obedience, I’m sure.
As the years pass, it becomes obvious that I need to include younger people in my circle of friends. People my own age and older dwindle in numbers, plus they move away to be closer to children or enter a facility.
I have recognized that I am negligent in thanking God for his blessings. They’re everywhere!
The most satisfying and fulfilling life is still found in a close relationship with God. Surveys show it, time and again: Prayer, serving others, thankfulness, being part of a religious group, forgiving, and all those basics of a Christian life have been scientifically proven to give a longer and more satisfying life. Still, we insist on trying to find a better way.
The key is in the first few words of the King James Bible: “In the beginning, God…”