Looking Ahead
Life is like an ever-flowing stream--- ever hear that? We live most of our lives in a routine or pattern, and nothing much is remarkable. It's like a flowing stream, and we just float along in the current. Where are we going? Well, there is childhood, adolescence, adulthood, middle age, old age, and then death.
Good grief! I want my life to be more exciting than that, don't you? We've got to look ahead and set a goal, and then go for it!
But there's no time to think about tomorrow. Today takes all the effort we can spare.
Actually, living life in an attitude of leaning forward takes very little more effort than living for today. But it sure is more fun, concentrating on what might be, what could be, what is to come, rather than reacting to what is being done to us right now.
So look ahead. Set a goal. Ask God what He would have you be, then set your eyes on things to come.
It just might put a smile on your face.