Living in Christmas
September 19, 2022
I’m still getting over Christmas.
I recently finished writing my next book, a collection of short stories related to Christmas. I haven’t decided on a title yet, but you’ll love it! And I’ve arranged for the cover art to again be created by Bethany Barron, who did the cover of Gabriel.
I’m getting off the track. Sorry.
I’ve been in the mind frame of Christmas for several months now, writing this book. It stuns me, when I finish a chapter, to step outside to ninety-degree weather. Wasn’t I just in a world of snow and chilly temperatures? Christmas lights, nativity scenes, wreaths on front doors are nowhere to be seen.
Writing a book transports me into a different world. It’s a world I’ve created, yet it’s all new to me. I develop characters with certain habits, traits, and abilities. As they interact with each other, I record just how people like those I created would react.
Every book you read transforms you, whether it be fiction or nonfiction. My school books grew me, whether the books were math or English or history. Novels I’ve read made me consider how I would react in the same situations. Management books helped me lead others better.
The very best selling book of all time is the Bible. No other book comes even close. Why? We love it because it changes us. I believe it has more transformative power than all the rest. The more we read it, the more it gives us hope, joy, strength to face the day, and understanding of some of the deepest principles of living a good and satisfying life.
Read the Bible and be transported into God’s world.
Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”