Kid Stuff
I love to wear a bow tie. I have thirty or more regular ties, and only a half dozen bow ties. I only wear a bow tie a few times each year, which makes those days different, special, extraordinary.
Most men had to wear a bow tie a few times as a kid, but those were the clip-on kind. That’s when Mom wanted them to look cute. The kind an adult is expected to use has to be tied. A bow tie does not tie like a regular neck tie, with either a “Windsor” or “four-in-hand” knot. It’s a bit more complicated.
When I first decided to wear a bow tie, I knew the easiest way to learn to tie it was to watch a video. YouTube had several to choose from! One was done by the owner of a men’s clothing store. It was too complicated. Another was by an executive who wears a bow tie every day; I learned a lot from that, but I was still having trouble.
Finally I watched a video recorded by a nine-year-old boy. Hey, this I could understand! Because of that child, I now can tie a bow tie with ease.
I guess the problem had been that the other videos assumed I knew too much. I needed somebody who could take me back to ’square one’. Tying a bow tie is not like tying a neck tie with a minor adjustment or two.
We have a similar problem in growing our faith. We would like to think that a Christian can live like the rest of the folks in our culture, and that there are just a few things we have to adjust or ‘clean up.’ That’s not how it works! We have to scrap all the old ideas and start from the beginning.
Matthew 18:3, “Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn around and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’”