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It's Not About Me

A little reminder will do. A word to the wise is sufficient.

In times of great celebration, it's so easy for us as individuals and for our churches to get a little self-centered. Maybe there's no great harm in that. After all, Jesus said to love our neighbors as ourselves, and so we've got to have love for ourselves. On the other hand, we can never lose sight of our neighbor.

The purpose of our churches is to make disciples for Jesus Christ. We're an organization that exists for others. It is our calling straight from God to reach out to the unsaved in our community, to bring them to a relationship with Jesus, and to cause them to grow in that relationship along with us.

We're called to a life of service. Do we see a growth in our desire to serve others? Do our children, our youth, our adults show evidence that they're serving others more this year than last? Are we opening our facilities more to the world around us, or closing them out more? Are children growing up to know Jesus, being baptized, confessing their faith, joining the church? Are adults?

We've got to keep the main thing the main thing.


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