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It's a Hard Job

It's hard being a Christian! Much of what Christ expects of us goes against our natural tendencies.

Even some of the joys of Christianity are hard. For instance, sharing God's love is hard. It's not hard to love family and friends, but it's kind of tough to go up to a visitor in church, introduce ourselves and treat them as if they were part of our family. "Love your neighbor as yourself."

If I were the visitor, it would make me feel good to have somebody come sit with me, help me know what's going on in the service and even introduce me to some of their friends. But I know that's hard. There's a lot of comfort in sitting in the same pew every week, quietly sensing God's presence. But sharing God's love is a great joy and privilege.

It's hard being a Christian. Christ expects us to not just 'go with the flow,' but to choose life. If we really take our Christian walk seriously, then there's nothing much to watch on TV, nothing much to see at the movies, nothing much for us on the New York Times bestseller list, and not many stations on the radio. Christ gives us abundant life, but we don't find it by 'going with the flow.'

It's hard being a Christian. It seems we always have to work at doing the Christian thing, going the Christian way, living the Christian life. Is it worth it? You bet! I know you've learned that, too! So don't be weary in well-doing. The best things in life are free, but they're not easy


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