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Incomprehensible Faith

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)

I suspect that faith is one of those things that our twenty-first-century minds just can't comprehend. We can understand the atom, flight, gravity and how our circulatory system works, but faith is one of those things we've got to use without having entirely mastered it.

Faith is the most powerful force in existence, because it brings to bear the power of God on our world. Faith is like a wall outlet, where we plug into the Power Source.

I Kings 18:41-45 tells of a time when Elijah prayed for rain. He had faith enough to tell the king, at the outset, "Get ready for an abundance of rain." Elijah began praying, and told his servant to look in the direction of the sea. After a little while, Elijah's servant said, "I see a little cloud, no bigger than a man's hand." Immediately, Elijah sent word to the king that, if he was going to travel, he'd better get in his chariot and go, before the roads got too muddy to allow passage.

I Kings 18:45 continues, "And it came to pass in the meanwhile, that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain."

Imagine the faith it takes to know the smallest cloud is bringing rain for you. Think of the faith it takes to see a great result in our smallest beginning. A great faith can see a powerful man or woman of God in the first-time visitor or the smallest child. The most solid foundation for a great church is not stone or brick, but faith.

Expect great things when you plug into the Power Source.


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