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I Thought the Mirror Was Kidding

August 3, 2022

I’ve convinced myself that the clergy profession has been unusually stressful these past thirty years. In fact, many studies have shown it to be a fact, that ministry is one of the most stressful occupations.

Be that as it may, most any job will make you age faster than you would like. Don’t we all wish we could age more slowly?

Comparing pictures over the last several decades, I can see the increase of gray hairs on my head, the reduction of hairs on my head, the increase of wrinkles, the appearance of ‘age spots,’ and so much more. I see it all, but I don’t accept it on the deepest level. I think and act like I’m much younger than I really am.

Not accepting the aging that you see in the mirror can be dangerous. We take chances that we think our agility and limberness will adjust for. We’re not as quick in actions or responses.

It can also be embarrassing! Did you think that young person admired the good shape you’ve kept yourself in, even though the mirror said you have a pot belly?

I appeal to you and to myself, accept your age, and cherish it. These can be the best years of your life, no matter how old you are. Every season of life has some advantages.

James 1:22-25 talks about me! A man looks in the mirror, and when he goes away he immediately forgets what he saw. I forget the signs of aging I just saw. It also says people like us that know what the Bible says and don’t do it are like me when I do something I shouldn’t be doing at my age. The Bible has stood the test of time as the best guide for life. Take it seriously.


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