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I Didn't Earn This

February 11, 2023

I first noticed it about ten years ago. It’s a sign of middle age.

Some mornings you wake up and notice that your ankle is sore, or maybe your back, or maybe your knee. You think carefully through the previous day to remind yourself what activity is the source of your soreness. Nothing comes to mind.

Wait, strains usually show up a day later. I think back one more day, but I can’t think of anything I did to injure myself that day either. I have found another definition for middle age: It’s when you have an ache that you did not earn. It’s just there. Innately I want something to blame, but instead I just have to smile and go on with my day.

Ever have anyone frown at you or be short with you or mistreat you, for no apparent reason? “What did I do?” You may say it, or just think it.

I’m a slow learner at times, but I finally realize that every time a friend or relative is in a bad mood, it may not be my fault. There’s no need to get defensive or take on a victim mentality. That would be pretty egotistical of me, to think I had control over every person’s mood.

When a salesperson doesn’t smile, or when a waiter doesn’t fill your coffee cup a third time, there may be other issues in their life. So what do you do? Treat them like that sore knee you woke up with this morning, that you didn’t earn: Smile and go on with life. Respond to them with love. Treat them like God treats you, that is, love them anyway!

The Golden Rule is pure gold, because it makes each and every day better, for you and those you encounter. Matthew 7:12, “In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets.”


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