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Don't Be Surprised

October 15, 2022

“In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.” John 1:4

This is my absolute favorite Bible verse. Today I was thinking about it in relation to change. We don’t really like change. I put a lot of effort into trying to get to a level place, a regular place, a “home” position. I want to get caught up! I don’t know about you, but I never quite get there. And yet, life is found in the new and different.

God is always working to make me new and different, and I only want to ‘level out.’

It’s the time of year to be getting a list together of what I’d like to receive for Christmas, because friends and family want to know. They are ready to get their Christmas purchases out of the way. I suppose they are like me, trying to get caught up and get back to ‘regular.’ It’s easy to say, “Just get me a gift card.” We’re afraid people will buy us something we don’t need.

Isn’t that crazy?

Life is found in something new and unexpected, something novel that might nudge us down a new path. When I think back on what my favorite Christmas gifts were, none were on my ‘list.’ There’s the sweater Grandma gave me when I was twelve, which shocked me because I expected toys. I got a couple years of use out of that favorite sweater. The backpack I carry my writing gear in was totally unexpected, but I have loved it. Who buys a backpack for a senior citizem? The hundred-piece jigsaw puzzles I’ve gotten are huge stress relievers.

Jesus longs to bring us life. He’ll be glad to shake you out of your old ways, if you’ll let him.


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