Do I Know You?
July 9, 2022
Once I know what my next book is going to be about, I’ve got to think about the background of my main characters. What were they like as a child? Describe the house and neighborhood they grew up in. List the height, hair color, eye color, favorite clothes, favorite books (if they even like to read). What makes them happy? What makes them mad? What makes them cry?
I want to know their parents, and the number and age of any siblings. List and tell a little about their best friend.
What kind of car does my main character drive? Is he or she rich or poor? Are they punctual?
Not every writer spends this kind of time on the background of characters. I admit that most of this background never makes it into the book. In fact, some writers let the characters evolve as they write, in a kind of self-discovery. That’s not my style.
Do you remember a time when you were riding with a friend to someplace you’d never been before? You find yourself thinking, “If I didn’t know the person driving the car, I’d feel lost.” Instead, you can enjoy the scenery.
I want to know the characters I’m making this book-producing journey with. Any surprises won’t throw me for a loop. I know who they are and what causes them to respond like they do.
In the same way, I’m always trying to know more about God. I spend time in prayer and in Bible reading in an effort to know God better. The better I know the driver (God), the more I can enjoy the scenery as I travel through this life. John 1:4 says, “In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.”
Life is not an adventure if you don’t have a driver you can trust. It can be scary.