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October 3, 2022

In an evening writing course I took a dozen years ago, the professor assured us that each person’s work would be unique. It made no difference if we took the same courses, read the same books, or structured our stories with the same framework. No two authors sound the same.

I was reading a book last night by a Christian author I am not familiar with. I’ve seen her books in many, many book stores, so I thought it was time I joined her millions of readers.

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t finish the book. In fact, I threw it away, which is rare for me. I didn’t think I could even pass it on to a friend with good conscience. I love to see God turn a life around, but did the author have to put in so much detail about the hero’s sinful beginning?

I have a long list of Christian authors that I’ll buy every book they write. Some write about doctors that risk losing their practices by doing the morally right thing. A few detail the exploits of ‘little old ladies’ who solve murders. I stick with Christian authors because I want good stuff to go into my brain!

I don’t write about murder or crime, though that seems to sell the most books these days. I don’t feel qualified to write novels that are based in Israel or exotic places around the world. I don’t have my hero facing death around every corner he comes to. My niche is stories about everyday people facing the dilemma of how to follow God in a world that has put Him to the side. I assure people that they will always be able to share my books with their grandmother or granddaughter.

We’re all different. Because of your background and circumstances, there some people that only you will be able to reach with the Christian message. “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations,” it says in the las t chapter of Matthew. It takes all of us.


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