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Cloud Shapes

September 17, 2022

Clouds are strange, especially those big fluffy ones. They can look like many things, in addition to big cotton balls. You and I have seen a zillion snapshots on Facebook of clouds that someone claims look like animals, trees, ocean waves, a cross, mountains, or even Jesus.

I’ve never done very well seeing shapes in the clouds. I guess I can see mushrooms sometimes, but I found out pretty quickly that what I’m seeing then is a thunderhead, bringing a storm.

So what’s my problem? Why can’t I see what is obvious to someone else? Does it relate to my upcoming visit to the eye doctor? No, I think you can see shapes in the clouds when you earnestly look for them. Of course, you can see a cotton ball cloud change to a storm cloud without much effort.

What are you looking for today? Are you looking for the good in others? Are you on the watch for someone who offends you? Do you see the good things God has blessed you with, or do you instead see what you lack?

So much of life has to do with attitude. When some see storm clouds, others see a sunny day. Some see risks where others see opportunities. Some see an ending where others see a beginning.

I’d rather live a life of hope than one of regret. Bring on those cotton ball clouds!

“And we know that all things work together for good, for those who love God and are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


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