Can I Drive?
God, you want to make some adjustments in how I live my life. That’s fine with me, except for in a few areas. I want to keep control of one or two things. Can’t I be in charge of a few minor things?
For instance, there’s eating. Some different food choices are in order, you tell me. I can point to lots of areas, Lord, where I eat healthier than most people. Isn’t that good enough?
Look, I can handle the social networking stuff. I need to keep up with friends. It’s been a way to do some ministry, too. That little reminder on Sunday mornings that says how much time I’ve spent this week on my tablet bothers me, I admit. Has it really been a couple hours a day? Lord, you don’t need to nudge me about that. I can rein it in, I promise you.
Anybody can tell, Lord, that I’ve given myself to you. I love you more than anything. You can change me all you want, just a little at a time, please, and not too much. Please leave me a little that I can call my own. After all, if I’m too holy I won’t be able to relate to sinners, right?
I don’t know how Moses left his quiet life, shepherding out in the desert, to confront Pharaoh. I couldn’t do that. Sometimes I think about the disciple Matthew, who left his good job as a tax collector, left it all behind. How did he tell his Roman boss? The thought of radical life change scares me. I don’t know, maybe that’s just for a special few. It seems impossible.
But then, there’s Philippians 4:13, “ I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.” That says I can give up control completely, a hundred percent, leaving nothing that I call myself the boss of. If I give up myself, will there be anything left?
“In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.” John 1:4