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Here I am again, a writer. I've served as a part-time pastor in retirement and, after two years, God let me re-retire. Now I'm back to my calling to be a novelist.

I've published eight books, all pretty good reads. It's time to step it up. I've got to flesh out my characters better. I need to put them in tougher situations, to see what they're made of. It's time to produce books that are hard to put down, ones that demand that the reader turn the next page. It's time to step beyond 'good enough.'

Of course, I'm not just a novelist. I'm a Christian novelist. My books should say something important about God. I want them to be an avenue of spiritual growth.

It's almost like starting a new job. Do I have what it takes? Am I willing to put in the effort to use all the talent God has given me?

I'm not so old that I have to become lazy. God wants my best. I'm not going to just coast my way to the end. I've got to study, I've got to put in the hours and work at my craft.

I admit that each and every creative idea that I have comes from God, every plot and every neat little twist. Therefore if I expect some help in getting better at this job, I guess I know where to look.

Psalm 121:1, "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth."

Leaning on you, God.


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