All Seasons Today
February 25, 2023
It’s hard to know what season it is, here in Georgia. Other places you can guess the season pretty well by the daytime and nighttime temperatures, but not here.
Last week our lows were in the thirties and we had to take preventive measures to keep the pipes from freezing. It was definitely winter. This week, however, it’s in the sixties at night, with daytime highs in the mid-eighties. Would that be summer? No, it’s only been a week since winter! To add to the confusion, the trees are starting to put on leaves and flowers are beginning to bloom. Surely it’s not spring.
Okay, I really don’t care. All seasons have their good points. I love spring, because it makes me think of newness of life and starting new projects. The grand thing about summer is appreciating all God’s good things, exulting in the sunshine of his love. Fall is a time of harvesting. In fall we see the completion of things begun a long time ago. I love winter’s slower pace, a time for rest.
We get our seasons mixed up in Georgia. We are used to it!
I’d recommend “four seasons living.” Live like it’s spring and be unafraid to venture out to try something new. Live like it’s summer, reveling in all the blessings God has sent your way. It’s always autumn, isn’t it, a season to complete projects? We need to tie up loose ends! And we all need some winter each day or week, resting from activity to review and to plan.
Crazy, isn’t it? You can choose your season. I’d always choose to be a spring person, eager to step into new life. I thank God for family and friends that make me like Georgia seasons— all four at once!
Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.”