On the Outside, Waiting
Well, I did it again. I got to the office before anyone else, but discovered I’d left my keys at home. It’s not the first time.
I’ve got a good excuse, of course. I have four different sets of keys, including keys for each of our two cars, a set of six keys for the office, and a set of ten keys for around home. I’ve tried carrying all my keys, all the time, but it makes my pocket bulge and develops holes. I sure don’t need keys dropping through a hole in my pocket. I usually just carry my home keys and a set of car keys, then swap the office key ring for the home key ring when I head to the office.
it may be a decent excuse, but an excuse won’t get me in the door. So here I sit.
I know I’ve got to make a short video reminder for the church Facebook page of a coming event. I record that 3-minute video as I sit in my car. (Hope nobody gets the impression I was driving and recording at the same time.). Now what should I do?
Maybe someone will arrive early. I did, but now I can’t do as much with the extra thirty minutes I’d planned to have.
I’m starting to realize that the one commodity more valuable than money is time. You can make more money, but once an hour is gone, well, you can never get it back.
Spend time with the ones you love. Make time for God. Stop and enjoy today.
Hey! Somebody else just arrived early! And they’ve got a key!