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Independence From...?

We are free!

In the 1700's we were an oppressed people, a "colony," subject to taxes that we had no say about. Any prosperity we gained could be taken away, considered profit for Britain and people far away.

We celebrate on July 4th our declaration of independence from the bonds of unfair British control.

Freedom- the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Independence- freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others

Are we independent? As a country, the United States, we can set our own course, but we must have a course, complete with laws and regulations. Independence is not freedom from all restraints. We have agreed-upon restraints.

Do we really want restraints? Could we have independence from all restraints? Do we have freedom? I thought freedom meant you could do as you'd like. I guess that includes choosing to abide by laws we've all (through our elected representatives) agreed are good for us. We freely choose to be law-abiding citizens. We are independent of outside governments, but choose freely to be subject to our own government.

Christians claim to be free. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36

Let me see if I have this straight. By choosing to be subject to Jesus, we Christians have declared our independence from the devil. It's not that we want no restraints; we want to be constrained by God's best plan. It doesn't have to make sense to us. We choose to follow Jesus, and have full confidence that what we've chosen independently will work best for us.

Happy Independence Day!

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