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First-Day Jitters

No matter how many churches I’ve pastored, the first Sunday at a new church touches the nerves. I guess it’s like anybody’s first day at a new job.

I had already met a few people, and they were all wonderful. I even knew a few from past dealings.

Everyone looks at me in the pulpit with smiles of expectation. Will I sing too loud? Will my hand motions be too elaborate? Will my prayers seem stilted or not formal enough?

I want to make a good first impression! I want to be approachable and friendly, but I also want to give the impression that I know what I’m doing.

To make a long story short, My first Sunday went well. I may have talked a little fast, but no one seemed upset about getting out a little early.

Is this your first day on the job? Are you starting today to be an ambassador for Christ? You may have jitters, and might be a little scared about what you’ll say and how you’ll say it. How will people react when you mention how important God is in your life?

You’ll get through it, and every day will get easier as you become a better and better ambassador. Remember that people are always kinder than you imagine they’ll be. Best of all, God goes before you. He’s ‘owns the company’ and has a lot invested in you.

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