Hello, God, It’s Me Again
Some people talk too much. Some don’t talk enough.
It’s a glorious thing when a couple gets to the point in their relationship that they don’t need to fill each minute with words. Just being together sets up a palpable field of nonverbal communication. Much is communicated without words.
Similarly, when someone stops speaking to you, it’s a problem that needs to be solved. The nonverbal communication then is a barrier to a continued relationship.
Each relationship finds its balance between too little talk and not enough talk.
Here’s the kicker: Prayer is communication with God.
It’s hard to tell somebody else they don’t pray enough. After all, some claim they’ve mastered ‘prayer without ceasing,’ by keeping a constant open line with God. Think about what you remember of the prophet Elisha. We have little record of him praying but, man, what miracles God did through him!
Only you know if you are communicating with God enough. I think most of us are not. Of course, sometimes God will make it plain that we need to quit praying and start acting.
I know from experience, though, that if you love someone, five or ten minutes of conversation a day is way, way too little.