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I'm Not Going to Repay You

Forgiveness is a strange thing. It's powerful medicine.

As a small child, we are taught to say, "I'm sorry" when we hurt somebody else. Any action that caused another kid to cry was followed by a parent insisting, "Say you're sorry." Usually saying that to the hurt person made them feel better, and went a long way toward patching up a friendship.

Did the hurt one respond by saying, "I forgive you"? Not usually. Sometimes they would say, "That's okay."

I wish we were taught to say, "I forgive you."

Being forgiven is a wonderful way to start over. In my opinion, though, being the one to forgive is a greater blessing.

Whether or not someone regrets hurting your feelings, or causing you physical pain, financial hardship, or other distress, it is a gift to yourself when you forgive. Harboring hard feelings against another person is acid to your soul.

I know I know that pent-up feelings can cause stress and even sickness. That's reason enough to forgive. It's freeing for your soul, though, to just forgive and turn the page, having faith that God can get you over any temporary disadvantage caused by others.

Don't let yesterday's misfortune cloud your opinion of today. Just start over. Don't waste time trying to get even or trying to pay back a hurt. Loose those chains from yesterday.

Who says a new year has to start in January?

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