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Maybe I Misunderstood

Jesus said, “I am the vine.” Leander didn’t remember much about church, but he remembered that crazy line. He also remembered, “I am the good shepherd,” but since Leander didn’t know anything about sheep, he wouldn’t know a good shepherd from a bad one.

Church was so far in the past it was amazing that any fragments stayed in his memory at all. Leander’s parents never made him go once he got nine or ten, and they rarely went themselves.

When Leander and Suzanne got married, there really was no time for church. They both had careers. Twins came along, giving them even less time. Mindy and Lindy were both grown and out on their own now.

Funny how church came to mind today. This new house was great, ten years old with all the features they wanted. The yard, though, was a jungle! The previous owners had really let it go. The worst part was the abundance of vines. It made him remember, “I am the vine.”

Suzanne had been attending a local church with a girlfriend from work for the past six months. Every once in a while she’d ask him to go with them. He had not agreed to yet.

After all these years, God still seemed to have some interest in Leander. Why?

Maybe that was what “I am the vine“ was about. Every time he got rid of a vine in the shrubbery, it grew back. God was persistent like the vine. Okay, he would accept Suzanne’s invitation this week.

”God works in mysterious ways.” There was another phrase from the past. Hmm.

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