Look at All This Stuff!
I cannot believe how much I spent at the grocery store this week. "There are just two of us here!
I remember how shocked I was ten years ago, when our grocery tab hit triple digits. Our son was already grown. We had a dog, but his food mostly came from a different store.
(By the way, if your spouse doesn't grocery shop with you, take them along once in awhile. They need to know how much things cost.)
My present grocery trip was special. We're making a concerted effort to reduce trips to stores right now, to cut down on exposure to sickness. I bought enough food for three weeks. The total cost still surprised me.
i confess, I knew there was plenty in our bank account to cover it. God has blessed us.
It is important now that we keep track of what needs to be used or cooked soon, and what can wait. The refrigerator is full, so food items could easily hide.
I'll bet you've figured out there is a spiritual lesson hidden amongst the squash, chicken, and oranges. Refer to Luke 12:48. Near the end of this parable, about a worker who shirked his duty when the boss was away, we find, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked." This is not talking about a well-stocked refrigerator!
I know I've been blessed. I suppose all of us in this wonderful country can see God has been good to us. Don't let your blessings go to waste. Open your eyes to the need around you, both physical and spiritual.