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Won’t You Come In?

Do Christians do evangelism?

I’m not talking about inviting someone to church. Truthfully, Christians rarely do that.

Let me define what I mean by the term. To me, evangelism is doing something to bring someone else to the point of committing their life to following Christ.

So do we do evangelism? Most people would say that the way they live their life influences others to want whatever they have. Yes, this is evangelism, but only mildly. More likely it makes others like being around you.

More significant evangelism occurs when a Christian actually says that the goodness others see in them is due to Christ’s influence. Most Christians rarely voice this explanation. Pastors encourage this ‘boldness’ often in their sermons. In my experience, Christians rarely bring up in conversation how they are able to live a good and moral life,

If we take a more rigid definition of evangelism, telling someone how they can find salvation and eternal life, most Christians evangelize only a few times in their lifetime! If God depended on Christians to make new converts, Christianity as a way of life would be doomed. I am so thankful God indeed works in mysterious ways!

Forgive us, Lord. Help us tell others about salvation.

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