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He’s a Loser

He could have been a great player. He practiced all the time. There was just something missing in his makeup. He won several tournaments, but not nearly all.

Concentration? I don’t know. Some say he lacked a killer instinct. Maybe. I can tell you this, though. His opponents loved to compete against him.

It was the same in billiards or horseshoes, bowling or darts. He was quick to say, “Great shot,” or, “You came so close,” when the other guy had his turn. It brought out the best in them. They never dropped their heads in discouragement.

In my opinion, that explains why he was taking so long to reach the top. His focus was on the other person.

I’m told that for some reason he always seemed to be full of joy, as if he were the winner. He always had a bigger smile than the one holding the first-place trophy.

What a loser.

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