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Too Big

What does God look like?

If seeing is believing, maybe some of my friends could find it easier to believe in God if I could show them a picture.

In Old Testament times, people were convinced that they would die if they actually saw God. That makes sense, I guess. God is completely good and completely holy, so how could we exist in His presence?

There are many recorded incidents when individuals saw "the angel of the Lord," a temporary human manifestation of God in the flesh. None of those that saw "the angel of the Lord" died. Was "the angel of the Lord" really Jesus? Hmm. That's deep.

However, Solomon stated the obvious on the day he finished construction on the temple: God can't be limited to anything as small as a building. God is so much bigger than that.

What does God look like?

Jesus was God amongst us. He, like God, was without sin. Living in a human body, though, He could only be one place at a time. That's why He said we'd be able to do greater things after He'd ascended to heaven; the Holy Spirit (God's spirit) would dwell in every believer. We'd take God with us wherever we went. God is big enough to be world-wide.

Back to the subject, though. What does God look like? Descriptions of God by men who actually saw Him liken God to precious stones or a rainbow or polished metal. Humans cannot describe God well enough to help us understand His incredible splendor. We can't make God small enough to fit our language.

When Genesis says we were made in the image of God, it did not mean God is five to six feet tall, medium weight, with skin tone like us or a friend of ours. It's the opposite.

On our very best days, the best in us reveals something of God. It may not be the best picture, but it's still light for a world that really needs some light.

"Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us,that we should be called the children of God." I John 3:1

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