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Not Your Father's Church

Sometime in the next several weeks, churches will be allowed to hold services again. Many are looking forward to returning to worship and a sense of normalcy.

We miss our routine. Sunday worship is so ingrained in many of us that, right now, we lose track of what today is! I have made it a habit to say out loud each morning what day of the week it is as I get out of bed.

We miss our church's order of worship. Prelude is followed by a welcome, then maybe a call to worship or opening prayer. One item follows another. It is a 'home' feeling, knowing what comes next.

Most churches have found a way to meet online. It's different, but it allows us to retain togetherness.

Before we settle back in to the same old routine, wouldn't this be a good time to make improvements? We could create a new normal.

Some things will have to change, at least for a time. We'll have to forego hugs and handshakes. The offering plate can't be passed from one hand to the next. There will be other changes.

Is there a substitute for a handshake or hug? What is it we convey in those simple gestures? For me, they tell me I'm accepted and loved. How else might that be done? Maybe this is too simple, but maybe we could look each person in the eye, smile and say, "Good morning! I love you, ___!"

I've heard that churches in Africa don't pass an offering plate, but drop their offering in the collection basket as they joyously dance past it. Okay, that's too much for some of us. (Some people can't dance.) Still, our offering can be placed in a basket or offering plate without it needing to be passed.

Do we need a worship bulletin? Hmm. It's good for announcements. As far as knowing what comes next in the service, well, the person at the podium announces it.

Are we even doing parts of worship in the right order? It's a great time to think about it. Go ahead, tip over the apple cart. Maybe the apples don't have to be put back exactly as they were.

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